Have you found yourself busy as the bees that visits your flowers? We certainly have. Lots of new happenings here at Prairie Cairn Cottage. Lets see if I can catch you up.
A bit of a garden got planted. Peas planted back in April gave us some delicious snap to our salads. Lettuces and radish planted didn't sprout even one leaf but we are having some moderate success with tomatoes. All of the plants here are very short and we've decided it's due to the ever present winds. Plans are in the works for some hoop houses and we also may put a wood 6 foot fence up to block the wind. We got some pumpkins planted late so now it is a race against the frost.

The chicken coop My Ever So Handy Husband was building has been moved and will become a garden shed. Some progress is being made but he has been working on so many other projects this one keeps getting put back on the back burner. A much larger shed was purchased off of Craig's list and we have plans to make that into the coop. It will hold many more birds than the original. One major problem with this project is when the shed was delivered, it got dropped about 3 feet and damage was done. Side walls needed to be taken down and the framing needed to be repaired. It too has taken a back burner as of late.
Speaking of chickens we are sadly down to 2 . Poor Miss Pearl was found dead one afternoon. Again, no known cause. The remaining two are happy as can be and I suspect there may have been some fowl play in Pearls demise.
The big project that has taken our time and attention has been planting 250+ seedling trees in shelter belts around the Cottage. Between site preparation, planting, drip irrigation and such, we have been busy as Johnny Appleseed. In probably more years than we have left, the Cottage should be protected by Ponderosa Pines and Junipers in the winter and Ash trees will provide shade in the summer.

Friends of ours have bought a vacant parcel in our neighborhood and are in the process of building. Since they had no place to live we offered to let them set their bus turned RV up at Prairie Cairn Cottage. It's really nice on the inside, she even has an old claw footed tub in there. They have been great helping out around the cottage. She owns a tractor and was kind enough to prepare the shelter belt site for us. Yes, that is her on the tractor. She is a dear person and a fellow sister in Christ. We've really enjoyed having them this summer. They have a Rat Terrier who has become Little Black Brindle's best friend. They also have 3 cats, one who is very old and has taken a liking to Tabby and being in the house rather than the RV.
Another project that has consumed much of our time has been painting our old house in Colorado. We are down in Colorado often enough that we never sold the house or rented it out and we needed to paint the exterior. There was some damage to the siding on the kitchen bump out so we tore off the old siding and replaced it. Next up is to get the roof replaced. Colorado is known for hail and the former Cottage suffered some damage last year.
Goodness! That is more than enough business for this gal. I plan on taking things a bit more relaxed for what is left of the summer. I hope you find your days with plenty of time built in to enjoy the summer sunshine and gentle cooling breezes.
Thanks for taking a break with us at Prairie Cairn Cottage today. Come back again and we'll drink some Lavender Lemonade and watch the breezes blow the grasses out on the prairie.